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Catholic Biblical School
Certificate in Pastoral Theology
Certificate of Pastoral Ministry (CPM)
Christianity Series
Deacon Formation Program
Intercultural Ministry
Sacred Scripture Courses
School of Ministry Continuing Education
Summer Pilgrimage Series
Theology of the Body
1. Pathways: A Biblical Guide to the Mass
1. Senderos: una Guía Bíblica para la Misa
1st Payment $2,500 - Holy Land Trip
2. Landscapes: Biblical Images of the Mass
2. Paisajes: las Imágenes Bíblicas de la Misa
3. Echoes: God's Words & the Catholic Mass
3. Ecos: Las Palabras de Dios y la Misa Católica
AFF22 Viviendo las Bienaventuranzas con Jesus
AFF23 4 Semanas 4 Parabolas
CBS Module 1 (1st part of year 1) - Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers
CBS Module 2 (2nd part of year 1) - Deuteronomy and Genesis
CBS Module 3 (3rd part of year 1) - Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings
CBS Module 7 (1st part of year 3) - Amos, Hosea, I Isaiah, Micah, Zephaniah, Nahum, Jeremiah
CBS Module 8 (2nd part of year 3) - Lamentations,Obadiah, Ezekiel, II Isaiah, Haggai, Zechariah 1-8, III Isaiah, Ezra, Nehemiah
CBS Module 9 (3rd part of year 3) - 1&2 Chronicles, Joel, Malachi, Zechariah 9-14, Ruth, Song of Songs, Psalms
CBS Year 1 - Module 1, 2 and 3
CBS Year 4 - Modules 10,11 and 12
Classical Ed Rome: 1st Payment (Deposit)
Classical Ed Rome: 2nd Payment
Classical Ed Rome: 3rd Payment
Classical Education Class Fee
Classical Education in Rome Program Payment
Classical Education: Double Occupancy
Classical Education: Single Occupancy
Classical Pedagogy Week 1: June 14-18
Classical Pedagogy Week 2: June 21-25
Classical Pedagogy Week 3: June 28-July 2
Classical Pedagogy Weeks 1-3: June 14--July 2
CPM001 - New Testament
CPM002 - Sin & Grace
CPM003 - Faith Development
CPM004 - Jesus and the Trinity
CPM005 - Morality
CPM006 - Evangelization
CPM007- Ecclesiology and Vatican II
CPM008- Fundamentals of Pastoral Care
CPM009 Theology of Ministry
CPM010 - Introduction to Old Testament
CPM011- History and Practice of Worship
CPM012 Prayer and Spirituality
CPM013- Introduction to Catechesis
CPM014- Foundations in Marriage
CPM015 Sacraments & Sacramentality
CPM016 - Ministry in a Multicultural Church
CPM017 - Adult Faith Formation
CPM018 - Catechetical Methods
CPM019 - Family as Domestic Church
CPM020 - Leadership in Prayer & Worship
CPM021- Promoting Discipleship
CPM022- Principles to Building Strong Marriages
CPM023 - Liturgy & the New Evangelization
CPM024 - Lay Ecclesial Leadership
CPM025 - Liturgical Ministry: Worship in Context
CPM026 - Family Systems Theories
CPM027 - Dealing with Loss & Suffering
CPM028 - Catholic Morality for Health Care Services
CPM029 - Strengthening & Developing Family Life
CPM030 - Sacramental Catechesis
CPM031 - Initiating Disciples: RCIA Rites
CPM032 - Patterns of Christian Prayer
CPM033 - Foundations in Youth Ministry
CPM034 - Foundations of Young Adult Ministry
CPM701 - Introducción al Antiguo Testamento
CPM702- Introducción al Nuevo Testamento
CPM703- Gracia y Pecado
CPM704 - Jesús y la Trinidad
CPM705- Moral y Doctrina Social de la Iglesia
CPM706 - Evangelización
CPM707- Eclesiologia y Vaticano II
CPM708 - Teología de Ministerio
CPM709 - Ministerio Intercultural
CPM710- Etapas del Desarollo Humano y de la Fe
CPM712- Espiritualidad y Oración
CPM713 - Teorías de los Sistemas Familiares
CPM715 - Fundamentos de Pastoral Juvenil
CPM717- Sacramentos y Sacramentalidad
CPM718 - Liderazgo Laico
CPM719 - Liderazgo en Oración y Culto
CPM720 - Conceptos Fundamentales en el Cuidado Pastoral
CPM721- Promoviendo la formación de Discípulos
CPM722 Fortaleciendo y Desarrollando la Vida Familiar
CPM724- Introducción a la Catequesis
CPM725- Catequesis Sacramental
CPM726 - Metodología Catequética
CPM727 Liturgia y la Nueva Evangelización
CPM728 La Familia como Iglesia Doméstica
DIOCESE OF RENO 7 Weeks - 7 Questions: A Lenten Journey PACIFIC TIME
Teología del Cuerpo (Español)
The Nicene Creed: What We Believe and Why
UG Holy Land 2nd Payment $1500 (Summer 2023)
UG Holy Land Deposit $500 (Summer 2023)
UG Holy Land Final Payment $2850 (summer 2023)
All Saints
Corpus Christi - Ferris
Diocese of Reno
Good Shepherd
Holy Cross - Dallas
Holy Land
Hybrid - UD Campus & Live Streamed in Zoom
Immaculate Conception - Grand Prairie
John Paul II Catholic High School
Mary Immaculate - Farmers Branch
Online Course
Our Lady of Angels - Allen
Our Lady of Lourdes
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Our Mother of Perpetual Help - Garland
Prince of Peace
Sacred Heart- Rowlett
Santa Clara of Assisi
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Keller
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Plano
St. Francis- Frisco
St. Joseph Catholic Church- Richardson
St. Joseph Vietnamese - Grand Prairie
St. Jude
St. Luke - Irving
St. Michael - Bedford
St. Michael the Archangel - McKinney
St. Monica
St. Patrick Catholic Church
St. Phillip the Apostle
St. Pius X Catholic Church
St.Vincent de Paul
Synchronous - Live Streamed Zoom
University of Dallas
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CPM709 - Ministerio Intercultural
********** Si su parroquia NO pertenece a la diócesis de Dallas, por favor llame al 972 721 4118 para registrarse por teléfono****************
Thursday, Apr 3 2025 7:00PM - 9:00PM
Sessions 5
Class# 2410059
(more details)
Location Good Shepherd
(view map)
Price: $50.00
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